Thursday, January 22, 2009

Don’t be a double agent

In our lives we have choices to make, some good and some bad never the less we make them.

All of our choices start in the mind, as a thought. It is what we do with the thought that determines the choices we make.

As children of God we have the Holy Spirit in us and he is there to direct us in every area of our lives, if we let him.

In James 1:2-8 we see that test and trials come in to build character and to locate us spiritual. It also tells us not to be double-minded we are not to wishy- washy in our faith but be confident in the God we serve.

In Psalms 119:113 David states that he hates double-minded men, but he loves Gods law.

James 1:12-16 It all starts with a thought either to do good or bad. You have to make a choice to follow the flesh or the spirit.

When the devil places a thought in your mind, He doesn’t know if it took unless you open your mouth and speak it into existence.

We ponder on the thought until it becomes a strong hold in our heart then we begin to act on it. (This works the same with Gods word).

James 1:22-25 tells us that we are to be hearer and a doer of the word of God to make faith grow. The opposite is also true when it comes to fear.

You can’t serve two masters Matthew 6:24 you will love the one and hate the other, Its your choice to whom you serve.

Remember you have what you say Mark 11:22-26. Like Salvation you must believe in your heart and confess out of your mouth. Romans 10:9, 10.

In order to combat the thought life you have to get to the point where you can change the channel of the garbage thought and replace it with the word of God. You must make yourself think on something different in order to win the battle. Philippians 4: 8, 9

You must renew your mind daily to the word of God Romans 12:1, 2 & Timothy 2:15.

Especially in the areas you are having problems in.

Don’t just concentrate on the negative side of you problem, but find the answer to your problem with the word of God. The Bible is the answer book to all life’s problems READ IT.

As a man thinks in his heart so is he.

1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that we have a way of escape from our temptations so that we are able to bare it all It is found in the Bible. Find scriptures on how to overcome the problem. Don’t give up and give the devil foot hold.

1 John 4:4, Romans 8: 37. Here are a few. Our God is faithful and full of mercy and love. God is in the forgiving business not looking to beat you. I would rather serve a God like that.

You can’t live with 1 foot in the world and 1 foot in the kingdom and expect to become an over comer in this life. You can’t be pitiful and powerful at the same time you have to make up your mind whom you will serve. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

Tell the story of the 2 Indians and the 2 wolves.

There was 1 old Indian, and 1 young Indian 2 strong wolves, but 1 will be an over comer. The young Indian asked which one will be the over comer? The older Indian replied the one you feed the most.

Which one will you feed?

Doubt The word of God

Fear Faith

Flesh Holy Spirit

Sickness Health

Lack Prosperity

You must watch your confession it will locate you spiritually. You confession can either bless you or curse you. Once again it is your choice.

Do you have enough of the word of God in you to combat the enemy? If not you are a sitting duck.

Have you been building yourself up in the spirit?

Have you been praising God in the mist of your storm? Don’t praise God for the storm but for the answer to overcome the storm.

Check yourself out in these areas and then read Romans 8:1 -39

Remember we are in this world , but no of this world we are to come out from the mist of them and be separate( set apart for the masters use). Don’t touch the unclean things of this world and God will receive you. 2 Corinthians 6: 14 – 18 we are to be a light and salt to this world. We are to be Jesus with skin on.

We are to bare fruit and keep the Sin out of our lives so that people will see the love of God in us and except Jesus as Lord of their lives. Galatians 5:19-26 Amen.

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